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Cedar Street Bridge Inspection, Load Capacity Rating, and Rehabilitation

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The Cedar Street Bridge carries four lanes of vehicular traffic over the Illinois River and the Tazewell and Peoria Railroad between Peoria and East Peoria, Illinois. Modjeski and Masters has performed several routine NBIS safety and fracture critical bridge inspections of this bridge. Upon completion of the 2011 inspection, as-inspected load capacity ratings were performed for superstructure elements with new or altered deficiencies, including the gusset plates of the deck truss spans.

M&M also provided engineering services for the rehabilitation of the bridge. Phase I engineering services included the preparation of a Bridge Condition Report, Traffic Management Analysis, Project Report and Traffic Management Plan to determine cost effective rehabilitative solutions for the deteriorated structure.

Phase II services were also provided for the preparation of final contract plans, specifications and estimates for the proposed solution. Repairs included replacement of the main span pin and link, replacement of the end frame at the deck truss to dual girder span transition, structural steel repairs to the gusset plates and truss members, expansion joint replacement, deck and parapet repairs, scour mitigation, and structure painting.

Bridge Geometry
Length of Main Span 296 feet
Total Project Length 3,700 feet
Lanes on Structures 4 lanes
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