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Route 79 / 195 Flyover Interchange Replacement

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The Route 79/Braga Bridge Improvements Project was one of the five largest projects of the MassDOT's Accelerated Bridge Program, a $3 billion effort to reduce the number of structurally deficient bridges in Massachusetts. Safety, access and aesthetics near the City Pier area of Fall River were improved when the project removed the Route 79 viaduct, and was replaced with a new surface roadway that combines Route 79 and Davol Street. In addition, the nine "spaghetti ramps" connecting Route 79 and I-195 were rebuilt and two new roadways — Water Street Connector and Milliken Connector — improved local connections to the waterfront and I-195. Pedestrian and bicycle safety were enhanced through the addition of three signalized intersections on Route 79, wider sidewalks, bike lanes and a shared-use path. Finally, structural steel repairs, cleaning and painting of the iconic Braga Bridge over the Taunton River improved the bridge's structural integrity and appearance.

As a subconsultant to Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB), Modjeski and Masters, Inc. (M&M) was tasked with providing the design of Ramp G and the roadway lighting for the project. Services included preliminary and final ramp design, construction engineering, lighting and electrical analysis, and final design of the roadway lighting and associated electrical systems. 


Bridge Geometry
Length of Main Span 766 feet (Ramp G), 8-span
Total Project Length 8,700 feet
Lanes on Structure 2 lanes
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