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Elizabeth City Bridge Replacement

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Known as the “Harbor of Hospitality", Elizabeth City has been a historic player in the shipping industry due to its location at the narrowing of the Pasquotank River. In the early part of the 20th century, engineers determined that building a bascule bridge would be the most efficient way to span the river without impacting maritime activity. The bridge was later twinned to alleviate traffic congestion resulting from the region’s economic growth.

However, after nearly 80 years of continuous use, the original eastbound bridge started to show its age. When the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) determined it was time to replace the aging structure, the project was put on an accelerated design and construction schedule. Modjeski and Masters provided preliminary and final design services for structural, mechanical, and electrical design for the bridge replacement. Also part of this project, the westbound bridge was temporarily closed to traffic and rehabilitated when the new eastbound bridge was completed. Both bridges are now operated from a new control tower located on the new eastbound bridge.

Bridge Geometry
Length of Main Span 144 Feet
Total Project Length 846.2 Feet
Lanes on Structure Two lanes, plus a bicycle and a pedestrian sidewalk
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