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Newell Schindler named 2024 ASCE-New Orleans Outstanding Civil Engineer

NEW ORLEANS, LA | Modjeski and Masters (M&M) is pleased to announce Newell Schindler, PE, of M&M’s Louisiana Business Unit received the Outstanding Civil Engineer Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers- New Orleans Branch.

The annual award honors an individual for their involvement in ASCE, service to the advancement to the civil engineering profession, service to the community outside of the field of engineering, technical accomplishment, and other evidence of merit and character.

"Receiving the Outstanding Civil Engineer award is an honor. I appreciate the recognition of my professional journey and my commitment to the field of civil engineering,” said Newell. “I'm thankful for the support and collaboration of my colleagues throughout my career. This award inspires me to continue pursuing excellence in transportation engineering.”

Newell joined Modjeski and Masters in 2020 and leads the highway section of the firm’s New Orleans regional office. He holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Louisiana State University. He is a Professional Engineer registered in Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama.

A long-time resident of New Orleans, Newell has dedicated his entire career to the development of the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana and surrounding areas. Newell has over 42 years of experience in the management and design of infrastructure projects, 13 years of experience in the Road Design Section of LADOTD, and 29 years of experience as a Consulting Engineer which has included Project Management and design of a multitude of infrastructure improvement projects.

"Over the course of four decades, Newell has proven his commitment to technical excellence while fostering relationships within the civil engineering industry. Newell is a natural, unassuming, well-liked leader who promotes the civil engineering profession,” said Cullen Ledet, Vice President and New Orleans Regional Director.

In addition to his role at Modjeski and Masters and his membership with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Newell is a member of the Louisiana Engineering Society (LES), American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana (ACECL) and Society of American Military Engineers (SAME).

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