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Ed Wasserman Receives Prestigious Roebling Awa

MECHANICSBURG, PA | Ed Wasserman, senior engineer at Modjeski and Masters, Inc. (M&M), was the recipient of the 2015 John A. Roebling Medal. Mr. Wasserman was awarded the medal at a ceremony held in conjunction with the International Bridge Conference in Pittsburgh, Pa. The Roebling Medal recognizes an individual for lifetime achievement in bridge engineering.

As a senior engineer for M&M, Mr. Wasserman serves as a technical advisor for many of the firm’s projects. Prior to his work at Modjeski, he served at the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) for 25 years as the director of its Structures Division. Mr. Wasserman’s notable achievements at TDOT include: 34 awards for design excellence; construction of the longest continuous concrete bridge in the United States; and leading approximately 130 engineers and technicians.

“It’s humbling after 50 years to receive this kind of recognition from a group of peers I respect so much,” said Mr. Wasserman. “Infrastructure keeps this country strong and unites people and communities. It feels good to know that I’ve played a role in improving our roads and bridges for future generations.”

Mr. Wasserman’s other notable achievements include being a 25-year voting member the AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures, chairman of the Technical Committee for Steel Design, chairman of the Technical Committee for Prestressed Concrete, member or chairman for eight NCHRP panels and chairman of the FHWA Research Oversight Panel for the testing of Horizontal Curved Steel Highway Bridges.

He has authored or co-authored 16 papers on various bridge related design topics, and received numerous awards including awards from the Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, American Institute For Steel Construction, American Iron and Steel Institute, National Steel Bridge Alliance. Mr. Wasserman is also a Fellow in the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute.

Mr. Wasserman has contributed to many notable M&M projects, including: SR 56 Hurricane Truss Bridge Rehabilitation

  • I-40 Francis Swann Memorial Truss Bridge Rehabilitation
  • Hawk Falls Bridge Replacement
  • New I-74 Mississippi River Arch Bridges

“It’s a joy to be able to work everyday with someone of Ed’s intellect, ability and spirit,” said Michael F. Britt, PE, senior vice president and director of business development at M&M. “His knowledge of bridge design is immense and is invaluable for our clients and employees. We all congratulate Ed on his accomplishments and look forward to what he is able to do next.”

About Modjeski and Masters

M&M is one of the world’s leading bridge engineering firms, with a reputation for technical excellence and innovation that goes beyond current standards. Established more than 120 years ago, the firm is responsible for the design and maintenance of some of our nation’s most recognizable structures. Services include fixed and movable bridge design, inspection and rehabilitation, and all facets of lifecycle maintenance, research and code development. For more information, including in-depth videos of M&M at work, please visit

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