Modjeski and Masters subsidiary, Summit Engineering Group, was awarded the redesign of the I-95/J.T. Butler Boulevard Interchange in Jacksonville, Florida. This was due to the introduction of spiced concrete u-girder technology and the Florida DOT's desire to apply it to their projects. Summit served as both the design Engineer-Of-Record and the contractors engineer due to their expertise with this technology.
Starting in 2015, the substructure units were constructed while not interrupting traffic along this busy corridor. One of the most unique aspects was the use of precast concrete pier caps that were fabricated at the project site, rather than cast-in-place, since the shoring would interfere with traffic. Shown here is a pier cap being transported after fabrication was completed in early 2016.
With the substructure units completed, construction started on the flyover ramp superstructure. The spliced precast u-girder units were fabricated, transported to the project site, and lifted to their final location. Shown here is a u-girder being set in place on May 24th, 2016.
With the u-girder units installed, work commenced on the roadway deck and the approach structures. Shown here is construction progress as of March 2017. Work would continue for several more months.
The I-95/J.T. Butler Boulevard Interchange redesign project was completed in September 2017 and opened to traffic. With the introduction of new concrete technology and construction techniques, spliced U-girder technologies allowed the option of curved U-shaped bridges, which were used to complete this and other projects in a time and cost-efficient manner. The new bridges will allow for more efficient traffic movement through the area for many years to come.