In 2010, Modjeski and Masters tasked by the North Carolina DOT to design a replacement eastbound bascule bridge for the U.S. 158 bridge over the Pasquotank River. Originally built in 1931, the structure was at the end of its design life and needed to be replaced. The North Carolina DOT asked Modjeski and Masters to deliver the project on an accelerated design and construction schedule.
Work started on the new Elizabeth City Bridge substructure in November 2011 with the closing and demolition of the existing bridge. The project contractor, Archer Western (now Walsh), then started work on the pile foundations for the new approach piers as shown in this photo.
With work on the substructure units completed, work on the bridge superstructure started in early 2013. Fabrication of bascule span components and machinery started as well. Shown here is the stick erection of one of the bascule leaves in July 2014.
An important construction milestone was completed on December 1, 2014 when a portion of the western bascule leaf is floated into place and connected with the previously constructed components. Shown here is moments before the connection was made. Work on the superstructure would continue for several months.
The Elizabeth City Bridge Replacement project was completed on May 20, 2015 after work on the Eastbound bridge was completed and rehabilitation on the Westbound bridge was also completed. Shown here is photos from the ribbon cutting ceremony which was held on May 15th.