Modjeski and Masters Selected to Perform Feasibility Study for New Mississippi River Bridge

Modjeski and Masters was selected by the Louisiana Department of Highways to perform a feasibility for a new Mississippi River Bridge near Luling, Louisiana. The studied bridge types were a cantilever through-truss, a suspension, and a cable-stayed bridge. Main span lengths of 2,100, 1,600, and 1,200 feet were considered for each structure type.

Construction Begins on Luling–Destrehan Bridge Substructure

The consultant team of Modjeski and Masters and Frankland & Lienhard was selected to design the selected cable-stayed bridge. Modjeski and Masters focused on the substructure design for the main span and the entire East approach spans. Frankland & Lienhard designed the main span superstructure (with input from Modjeski and Masters) and the entire West approach. Construction started in July 1974. Shown here is construction progress as of December 12, 1977.

Construction Begins on Luling–Destrehan Bridge Superstructure

With the substructure units completed, construction started on the approach span superstructure. Construction on the main span superstructure would start a few years later. Shown here is progress as of December 26, 1981.

The New Luling–Destrehan Bridge is Completed

The New Luling–Destrehan Bridge was completed and opened to traffic on October 6th, 1983. Shown here is the opening ceremony which was attended by then-Governor David Treen (speaking) and numerous dignitaries.

The bridge would be officially named as the "Hale Boggs Memorial Bridge" in 1985 in honor of the late congressman who was instrumental in having it built.

The Bridge Receives the ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

In 1984 the bridge was received the Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award by the American Society of Civil Engineers for its unique design. It was the third major cable-stayed bridge in the United States and one of the only with an orthotropic deck.